Each year, the Show brings together more than 100 U.S. and international artisans and dealers, including a number of I.G.M.A. Artisans and Fellows. They offer collectors unique, well-crafted 1-inch, 1/2-inch, and 1/4-inch scale miniatures from around the world.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dealers Pete & Pam Boorum: Furniture, Accessories & Tools

Selling as Smaller Than Life, since 1982 the Boorums from New Hampshire have been making colonial, Shaker, other period furniture, and accessories. They also make sewing, garden, kitchen and woodworking tools in sheet metal, brass and wood. Additional items include wooden boxes, wind vanes, pull toys, picture frames and needlework items. Email: smallife@myfairpoint.net.  

Walking wheel, yarn winder, embroidery hoop and carrier.
Martha Washington Sewing Table.
Federal Work Table.
Collection of handcrafted wooden boxes.
Late 18th Century Sheraton Desk.
Brass Wind Vanes.
17th Century Carver Chairs.
Rocking Horse.

Their machinery/tool line includes magnetic gluing jigs, scale lumber, miter trimmers and miter boxes, picture frame moldings, and pin setting tweezers. They also make accessories for the Proxxon FET tilting arbor table saw and the Taig lathe and duplicator. Some machinery and hand tools will be available at the show or may be ordered.

Proxxon FET tilting arbor table saw. Finger joint accessory and Miter Table also available.
Taig lathe with variable speed motor and Sherline self-centering 4 jaw chuck.
Proxxon MF70 Mill set up as an overhead shaper.
Magnetic Gluing Jigs in three sizes--2"x3", 3"x5", and 6"x 9". 

On Monday, Oct. 12, the Boorums are offering a Good Sam Academy Class" "A Pair of Chairs: Weaving the Seats." The chairs will be assembled and finished. The class will focus on weaving the seats onto the upper rungs of the chair.

To see all Friday Workshops and Monday Academy Classes, visit our website: http://goodsamshowcase.miniature.net


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  2. I'm impressed by their wide range of handcrafted furniture pieces.
