Rik Pierce, Frogmorton Studios, was an instructor at the 2013 Good Sam Academy. A popular teacher, his imaginative structures are based on English rustic Medieval and Tudor buildings--with a lot of whimsy and fantasy thrown in. Rik prides himself in giving viewers "a lot to look at!" The Medieval Lighthouse shown here was published in American Miniaturist magazine (Oct. 2009 issue #78). Email: rik@frogmorton.com Web: http://www.frogmorton.com, http://frogmortonstudios.shutterfly.com/
Rik Pierce with prototype from mid-1990s Workshop. Taught one time only at the Chicago International Show. |
A private collector purchased the Lighthouse the same year at the Philadelphia Miniaturia. It eventually became the "English Rose Tea Room." |
The interior decoration for the "English Rose Tea Room" was a collaborative effort between the collector and Lenor Johnson, R-Stuff Miniatures. |
The kitchen and bedroom as outfitted by the collector and Lenor Johnson, R-Stuff Miniatures. |
To see more by Rik Pierce, go
Congratulations for the wealth of many details. I really like how he treated the outside because of a clean feeling. . . if there were climbing plants or something else it would seem like an abandoned house.