Saturday, May 24, 2014

Alan Hamer Metal Work

An IGMA Fellow in metalwork, Alan Hamer works in iron, copper and brass. He makes a wide range of 1:12 scale children's toys including pedal cars with working steering and pedals. He also designs gates, fireplace tools, brass beds, household accessories, wind drags, and much more. The photos below represent a sampling of Alan's work. Email:, Web:

Child's pedal tin racer, fully functional with working steering and pedals.
Child's trike truck with trailer.
Assorted tin ware.
Child's deluxe pedal roadster with working steering and pedals.
Scroll Iron Gate and Polo Iron Gate.
Patina'd "March Wind" wind drag.
Rapiers and broadswords.
Hanging "The Ant" iron sign. 

To see previous posts for Alan Hamer, go here and here.


  1. Can't believe those were made by hand. Wish I was that talented with metal working. My favorite thing you have pictured has to be the metal car. It looks amazing. No wonder you won a prize for making it.

  2. Can't believe those were made by hand. Wish I was that talented with metal working. My favorite thing you have pictured has to be the metal car. It looks amazing. No wonder you won a prize for making it.
