Saturday, May 24, 2014

Revisiting the 2013 Good Sam Academy

Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing the 2013 Good Sam Academy experience on the Blog. For five days immediately following the show, the new Academy offered seven advanced classes taught by five leading miniaturists in their field. This year's Academy will be held Oct. 13-17 at our facility in Morgan Hill, CA.

"The 2013 Academy was a resounding success," says Connie Sauve, Director. "We had incredible teachers, great classes to choose from, and wonderful catered food. A week of fun, miniatures and friends! What more could a miniaturist ask for?" (Photo taken in Rik Pierce's class.)

From 2013 show coverage in Miniature Collector (Feb. 2014 issue). For a magazine subscription, phone Scott Publications toll free 1-800-458-8237.

"We had a lot of fun in the class," says instructor Nancy Summers. "Students designed and upholstered their own chairs and footstool with leather and/or fabric." "Taking Nancy Summers class was such a treat," says student Ruth Heisch (far left), San Jose, CA. "Besides ending up with a wonderful upholstered chair, I felt our group became a little family."

From show coverage in the Jan-Feb 2014 issue of Dollhouse Miniatures magazine. For a magazine subscription, phone Ashdown toll free 1-866-606-6587. Email: 

For 2014 Good Sam Academy class information and to register, go to you have questions, contact Connie Sauve, GSAM Director. Phone 209-474-2870 or email 

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