Saturday, May 5, 2012

Trinity Circle 1/4" Scale - Featured Workshop 2012

Trinity Circle - A Martha's Vineyard Campground Cottage in 1/4" scale,
taught by Premier Teacher Debbie Young

Dates: Monday and Tuesday, October 8th & 9th
Time:  9am - 5pm each day
Cost: $165. 
Furniture for the house is sold separately.

The Campmeeting Association on Martha's Vineyard is made  up of over three hundred of these tiny unique cottages originally built between 1865 and 1880. The cottages are barely larger than the original tents they replaced and were built according to strict specifications. Using the same specifications, join Debbie and build your own unique campground cottage. This cottage is actually made by putting two cottages together - a common practice when more room was needed. The cottage has four rooms viewed from the side and an additional two rooms viewed from the back. Choice of gingerbread trims and color makes every one unique.

Students will learn about the history of the cottages as well as historic construction techniques. Using historic measurements, students will build their own campground cottage in much the same manner as those found in the campground of the Martha's Vineyard Campmeeting Association. A selection of reference materials will be available.

Note: All skill levels may take this class. A few very experienced in 1/4" may complete the project in class, some will leave with it virtually finished, and some will have a small amount of work to do when they return home.

Student Supplies and Tools Needed:  Bring a basic tool kit containing your favorites as well as an X acto knife, extra blades, ruler, tweezers, an assortment of paint brushes (for house paint and detail work) and scissors. To create unique cottages, students are encourages to bring their own selection of paints.

1 comment:

  1. It can be difficult to remember when looking at these photographs that you are actually seeing a miniature.
