Saturday, May 5, 2012

Teahouse of the Paper Moon - Featured Workshop 2012

Teahouse of the Paper Moon in 1" scale,
taught by master builders Jon Fish and Larry Osborn of The Guys From Texas
Dates:  Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, October 8th, 9th, & 10th
Time:  9 am - 5 pm each day
Cost:  $975

How could we resist another wonderful building by The Guys From Texas. Jon and Larry are offering this Japanese Teahouse for you. We only have a drawing so far, but pictures are coming soon. This is a tranquil teahouse and garden of the Edo period. It has all traditional, formal elements including a shoji enclosed porch for the guests to remove their shoes and wash before entering the teahouse through the low sliding door. The host and tea master's entrance is on the opposite side where there is a small water room where all the supplies for the ceremony would be kept and some food would be prepared. The tea master's tatami incorporates a small stone hearth set into the floor and the two guest tatami border it and the tokonoma - the alcove where a flower arragement would be placed. There is also a round window with sliding shoji screens on the inside.

The exterior features post and beam construction sitting on river rock footings, an elaborate tile roof with detailed ridge and "cloud" carving on cresting. A small space for a garden is provided as well as a lantern at the guests entrance.

Skill Level: Please, Intermediate and Advanced Students Only
Students will learn how to make shoji, tatami, and a glazed tile roof, as well as to assemble the entire building.

Student Supplies and Tools Needed: X-Acto knife and sharp blades, metal ruler, medium sized plastic cutting mat, small scissors, Crafter's Pick Ultimate glue, small artist brushes (round and narrow flat chisel tip), 3 rocks of different sizes and shapes 2" to 4". The Guys will provide everything for the building except the rocks and landscaping.

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